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The Fix Podcast Episodes

Episode Overview:  In this episode of The Fix, we're joined by Oatey Ambassadors Germaine Nelson and Rob Broccolo to talk about all things family and work-life balance, or lack thereof. They each share some of the struggles that come with having…
Episode Overview: We're joined by Oatey Ambassadors Colin Luttrell and Nick Parlet during Ambassador Fest to talk about how social media and plumbing go hand-in-hand in helping to learn new things, develop friendships and grow your business.…
In this episode of The Fix, we're joined by Oatey Ambassadors Twig and Ty to discuss mental health and some of the unique challenges that can come with working in the trades. They each talk about some personal challenges they have faced regarding…
Roger Wakefield is an American plumber and business owner from Dallas, Texas, a master plumber with over 40 years of plumbing experience. He is a teacher, trades advocate, podcaster and social media influencer. Roger sits down with Doug and…
Paige Knowles, skilled trades advocate, public speaker, and children's book author (Plumber Paige - Let's Fix a Running Toilet, Plumber Paige - Let's Replace a Shower Head), joins us to talk about how she began her career as a plumbing and heating…
Join us in this episode as we dive into the world of residential service and repair and learn from the experts about how they've made a name for themselves in the plumbing industry and how Alex Gouin and Josh Hopkins work with local schools to…