Yes. All Oatey fluxes are lead free and are NSF listed to Standard #61.
What is the general purpose of fluxes?
Flux is formulated to clear the pipe and fitting of any surface oxidation.
Can pipe joint compound and thread sealant tape be used on the same joint?
Yes. Once the male threads are wrapped properly you can apply a coating of pipe joint compound over the thread sealant tape before assembling the joint. Remember that you only apply pipe joint compound to the male threads.
Are any of Oatey Pipe Joint Compounds FBC (FlowGaurd®, BlazeMaster®, and Corzan®) Approved?
At this time; Oatey Great White is the only Oatey Pipe Joint Compound that is FBC approved.
Why is the pressure limit for natural gas and LP gas listed at 125psi on the submittal sheets and containers?
This is because of UL listing requirements.
What is the curing time for pipe joint compound?
Under normal pressures the pipe joint compounds does not need a curing time. If the pressure in the lines is 125psi or higher, the recommended cure time is 4 hours before initiating pressure. Call Oatey Customer Service when in doubt.
What pipe joint compounds should I use in an approved piping system filled with medical oxygen?
Oatey does not have any products that will work in this application.
Can pipe joint compound be cleaned after an application or spill?
All joint compounds with the exception of Megaloc will not be removed easily. You should check with the materials manufacture that you are removing the pipe joint compound from first, to confirm what cleaning chemicals are compatible with their product. Start by trying to remove the pipe joint compound with white vinegar and working your way up to acetone. Remember to always test a small out of sight area first, before damaging the finishes or affecting the integrity of materials that the pipe joint compound was adhered to. Megaloc can however be cleaned off hands and tools with a dry rag, and easily washes out of cloths with soap and water.
How do I apply pipe thread tape, and are all the tapes applied the same way?
All ½”, ¾” and 1” wide tapes are installed the same way. After you select the proper size of tape for your thread, you will wrap in a clockwise motion, while keeping the tape at the bottom of the thread. For ½”, ¾” and 1” pipe threads you will only need to wrap the threads in a straight pattern 3 to 5 times around the male thread, if the tape width is the same size as pipe diameter. For 1¼” pipe threads and above or when tape width is smaller than pipe size, you will wrap 4 to 5 times starting at the end of threads and working up.
What pipe joint compounds should I use in an approved piping system filled with natural gas?
The following Oatey pipe joint compound products are approved for use in this application: Oatey Great Blue, Hercules Block, Hercules Grrip, Hercules Megaloc, Hercules Pipe Joint Compound, Hercules Pro Dope or Hercules Real-Tuff are all safe for this application.
What pipe joint compounds should I use in an approved piping system filled with Liquefied Petroleum?
The following Oatey pipe joint compound products are approved for use in this application: Oatey Great Blue, Hercules Block, Hercules Megaloc, Hercules Grrip and Hercules Real Tuff.
What is the maximum pipe size you can use thread tape on?
There are no limitations on the diameter of the pipe. You should always wrap the tape enough times around the male threads in order to fill the spigot (female threads). Any pipe sizes over 1¼” with pressure and fluids moving through it should have the male threads wrapped with tape and then the approved pipe joint compound spread over the tape.
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